



(a) The name of the Association shall be The Rowly Drive Residents’ Association (abbreviated to ‘the Association’ or ‘the RDRA’).


(b) The address of the Association shall be that of the Chairman for the time being





The Membership of the Association shall be one owner or representative from each property serviced by Rowly Drive, including Rowly Edge.





The objective of the Association shall be to promote the quality of life of the members and the peaceful enjoyment of their property. The objective will be given effect in various ways:


(a) Maintaining the road surface of Rowly Drive from its junctions with the strip of common land at Guildford Road and with the private drive to Rowly Farm House. This activity shall cease in the event that the landowner takes over this responsibility or the road is adopted by the local authority.


(b) Promoting effective surface water drainage through dialogue with adjacent landowners, the relevant drainage authority and the sewerage provider.


(c) Other activities that the Committee shall from time to time consider appropriate to achieving the objectives of the Association.





There shall be a Committee consisting of a Secretary, a Treasurer and up to eight ordinary members. The Committee shall elect the Chairman of the Association and have power to co-opt additional non-voting members. Meetings of the Committee shall require a quorum of four.



Subscriptions and Finance


(a) The Association shall, through its committee, raise an annual subscription from each Member, which shall initially be £5.00 and thereafter an amount to be decided by the Committee. The funds so raised shall be used primarily in achieving the objectives of the Association. The Committee shall seek to raise additional funds as may be necessary to achieve these objectives.


(b) The Association shall maintain both current and deposit accounts with a bank selected by the Committee. Four Members shall be appointed by the Committee as authorised signatories and registered with the Association’s bank. Any cheque drawn on the Association’s funds shall bear the signatures of two of these Members.



Meetings and Communications


(a) Attendance at any general meeting shall be limited to two from each member household, either (but not both) of whom may exercise the household’s right to vote.


(b) There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Association held at a time and place selected by the Committee. The business of the Meeting shall include the election or re-election of the Committee, the Chairman’s report on the Association’s activities in the preceding year, the Treasurer’s report and approval of the accounts and budget, and any other business placed on the agenda by a Member.


(c) Additional General Meetings may be held at the discretion of the Committee. The Secretary shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting at the written request of ten or more members, to take place within four weeks of receipt of the request.


(d) The Committee shall keep all Members informed of the activities of the Association by any appropriate means.





The Constitution may be amended only by majority agreement of the Annual General Meeting or of an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose.





The Association at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened in accordance with 6(c) may resolve to terminate its existence. On so doing, the Meeting shall by majority vote of those present nominate a recipient or recipients of any funds outstanding after the settlement of all debts and shall instruct the Secretary to inform all Members of the decision.



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